If you’re new to the bookie business, you might be considering the ways in which you can run your business, and a large part of this is player management.
The term “Pay Per Head” may be one you’ve heard before but aren’t sure what it means or how it works.
As a way to run your bookie business, it makes player management much easier.
In this guide, we’ll go through everything you need to know about Pay Per Head and you can use it to run your business.
What Is Pay Per Head?
Pay Per Head is simply the practice of operating your own sportsbook by taking bets on specific games.
Pay Per Head is the name given to the system because that is precisely what it is—you are paid as a bookmaker for each gambler you are able to draw into your betting pool.
Many people and prospective investors want to break into the online sports betting market, but they find that they lack the time and finances to do so.
They could either try to launch an online sportsbook and manage it themselves, or they could streamline their business by using a Pay Per Head player management service.
How Does Pay Per Head Work?
When running a Pay Per Head service, a potential bettor might find your website and pay you to access your betting pool.
When an action is taken on a bet within your pool, you will give a payout. This usually takes place weekly and automatically with a Pay Per Head service.
You, the bookmaker, will be able to provide more alternatives than just a full-season package because you will be taking bets on individual games.
This means that Pay Per Head lets you choose which side to support for the bet rather than forcing you to choose just one.
This eliminates the risk associated with learning which teams will face off against one another.
As a Pay Per Head sportsbook, you will also work closely with your clientele to fulfil their wagering and betting line preferences.
In the end, your objective shouldn’t only be to make money; it should also be to give clients access to all the resources they need to feel included in the action.
What Services Do Pay Per Head Offer?
Two of the main services of Pay Per Head are sportsbook software and casino gambling.
The majority of trustworthy Pay Per Head providers offer a huge selection of casino games like poker, baccarat, and blackjack as well as a wide assortment of sporting events like basketball, the NFL, and horse racing.
Sportsbook Software
Both agents and gamblers are intended users of the sportsbook software.
Once they are signed up for a Pay Per Head service that provides them with everything they need to run the bookie business, every agent is granted access to a sportsbook.
It enables the agent to do a number of tasks, including opening and closing player accounts, moving wagering lines and setting betting limits.
Online sports betting won’t be possible for many sports without the sportsbook. Because of its extremely accessible platform, anyone with a phone or computer can connect and gain access.
Casino Gambling
It is a good idea to be open-minded about Pay Per Head services that are designed for different types of gamblers.
A solid Pay Per Head service provides a large variety of playable casino games. Gamblers also love the generous incentives offered these days.
Payment Options
Players who fail to make necessary payments are the biggest issue that Pay Per Head bookmakers face.
It’s common practice to charge players on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis while operating a Pay Per Head service.
When a player doesn’t pay, their ability to gamble should be suspended until they do.
Thankfully, a lot of Pay Per Head businesses provide a range of payment alternatives to suit every player.
This can be done using Bitcoin, which has grown in popularity over time, or the debit or credit cards that most bettors typically use.
Becoming A Pay Per Head Bookie

Running an online gambling website does require a lot of time and effort. To start, you will need to register your business and get business insurance.
Then, you must find the right Pay Per Head software that’s right for you.
Once that’s done, you can start getting into the specifics of what you need to run a successful online sportsbook.
It’s important to remember that it may be a while before you see profits.
Like all businesses, it takes time to build and has startup costs that you’ll need to pay for before you start seeing the money roll in.
Choose Your Gambling Niche
You must be careful to select the betting pool, or betting pools, that will be most profitable to you and your customers from the wide variety that will be accessible in the gambling industry.
Your chosen niche will influence the types of bets and events you offer, as well as the level of popularity of both you and your betting pools.
Most sports bettors like to wager on a small selection of sports, so you must choose which clients you hope to draw, which clients you think you can draw, and tailor your own bookie business to that audience.
Settle On Your Fees
Your fees will depend on what niche you choose and your client base.
Using Pay Per Head software you can easily set these fees and make money without the hassle of managing payouts yourself.
You should choose a fee that will attract an audience while still giving you a good profit. The more customers you attract, the more money you make, of course!
Create Your Website
When creating your betting website, you should make sure that it is user-friendly and allows people to easily enter your betting pool.
Furthermore, making sure your website is easy to use and attractive to potential customers allows bettors to manage themselves while you analyze your website traffic.
Promote Your Website
Finally, you’ll need to advertise your website so you can entice clients to sign up and visit your website.
Using paid advertising platforms and social media, you can advertise your business and offer incentives to give your customers even more reasons to sign up for your pool.
The Benefits Of Pay Per Head Player Management
Player Management For The Bookies
Local bookies are being consolidated and organized into one site with a variety of management facilities instead of having to manage every area of their business themselves.
In the past, when bookmakers were occupied with other areas of the business, a person would need to be hired to handle the financial aspects of the company and debt collection.
Profits were shared, perhaps equally.
With Price Per Head services, a fee is paid for each active customer, and the online service takes care of all backend operations as well as websites, customer support, risk management, reporting, and more.
As a result, the bookmakers are free to oversee and manage the company and retain all earnings.
The offered information will give the bookmaker a look at some parts of the business as well as a generalized understanding of the strengths and weaknesses of his enterprise.
They will have more time to concentrate on the areas that require improvement, such as client retention and business development, without having to worry about the headache of managing the site’s backend.
Delegating customer assistance ensures that representatives won’t have to spend all day on the phone fielding queries.
More customers are drawn to the business because of how well-organized and streamlined the service is.
Player Management For The Bettors
Bettor’s interest in local bookmakers that use Price Per Head services is growing for a variety of reasons.
All elements of the betting procedure are now easily and conveniently available online, day or night, thanks to these services.
In addition, Price Per Head services offer more sporting events than bookies, which provides the bettor with additional options and services.
The availability of current information enables the bettor to make more informed choices about the bets they should put.
The websites are safe, and since they don’t really handle any money, you don’t have to provide them with any financial information online, adding an extra layer of security.
Player Management Final Thoughts
Using a Pay Per Head player management system to run your bookie business can be extremely beneficial. With this guide, you’ll have everything you need to know to start using it to your advantage.